Results Are Everything
If you’re athlete isn’t making noticeable and measurable improvement, they are wasting their time.
How I Will Measure the Improvement in Your Athlete
Each athlete is assessed and evaluated for the purpose of gauging their overall athletic ability, training history, and injury history. I will do a biomechanical analysis on their sprint technique (acceleration mechanics & top-end speed mechanics), their overall movement patterns, strengths, weaknesses, and any deficiencies that could be problematic from a movement quality or injury risk standpoint. While no one can 100% prevent injuries, getting on a quality training program can significantly reduce the risk of injury in an athlete.
This evaluation consists of assessing athlete movement ability and sprint speed (electronically), as well as their horizontal and vertical explosive power. This is done so that I can design an appropriate training program that can begin to correct and develop any initial deficiencies, and provide for you a metric on how your athlete is progressing. Also, your athlete will be able to see firsthand how their performance is improving. Their baseline numbers will provide a very tangible way for them to set goals and work towards achieving those goals.
In a culture where much is expected and little is earned, I stress the importance of consistently working hard--working hard to achieve a long-term goal. This process can help to cultivate disciplined, tough, coachable athletes.
My athletes will come to understand that while making excuses is the easy way out, they should and must strive to fight the cancer of accepting mediocrity and allowing for complacency in both the classroom and on the athletic court/field.
My Primary Goals in Working with Your Athlete
Improve Athletic Performance
Teach, Guide, and Motivate Effectively
Instill a Relentless Work Ethic
Results of Training
Note: Many athletes that I work with train once per week, and my athletes have seen great results in their performance training once per week. However, I would recommend training at least twice per week in order to increase the likelihood of increased athletic performance, especially as they get into the later middle school years and even more so as they enter high school.
*This is by no means an exhaustive list; this is simply a number of examples of a wide range of ages and sports.